Ellie Tested, Ellie Approved!

Selfie With Me & Joplino for the {Pose Lover} Event - Round 3

Selfie With Me & Joplino for the {Pose Lover} Event - Round 3

I'm glad to be able to present to you one of my favorite selfie poses for this lovely round of the {Pose Lover} Event - [Round 3].  My teen loves taking pictures and selfies and with these two cute poses from Joplino, I bring you my latest selfies and a close up of the prop phone you get for free with the poses.  

{Pose Lover} Round 3
Wearing: .:Joplino:. Fun Gurls Prop Phone
Pose 1: .:Joplino:. Fun Gurls left
Pose 2: .:Joplino:. Fun Gurls right
{Taxi} Event: 24.01.2016 - 05.02.2016
{Taxi} .:Joplino:. Poses - Capture your Fantasy
ISON - t-belt shirt dress -(floral)
[MAITREYA] .:KC:. AMY "Ballerina" Flats

Only a short time left for this event, so be sure to get your poses and phone before it's over!