Ellie Tested, Ellie Approved!

Best Babysitter: Let me Ride da Sheep! - Featuring LaZo & SnapHappy poses

Day in the Park with the Best Babysitter! - Featuring LaZo & SnapHappy poses

My babysitter rocks!  She got me all dressed up and took me to the park, we walked around and found a few sheepies and we took these cute pictures! She even let me stand on one hehehe

left side has edits - right side no edits

Oh and here's where you can get this cute outfit from LaZo and this super cute (walk with mommy) pose from SnapHappy at the Fairytale Forever March round.
Opens: 7th of March until the End of the Month

~LaZo - Spring Dress - FF Event March -
FATPACK: six selected colors
Pose: (sheep not included)