Ellie Tested, Ellie Approved!

Rock Rough and Stuff with Mah Afro Puffs featuring Nurp! Clothing

Rock Rough and Stuff with Mah Afro Puffs
featuring Nurp! Clothing
I rock rough and stuff with my Afro Puffs ~ Rock on, wit' mah bad self!  
I rock on with my bad self 'cause it's a must!
^^ this for those that know what real rap is ^^ 
Okay so another of my new favorite outfits ever!  I dunno why but this clothing line always makes my wig wanna be free and natural!  Just be warned... you may find M&Ms and all kinda stuff in there!

So, go ahead and run and get your Nurp! wardrobe on deck, because you know you want to me as fly as me! Yep, Everything you see in this pic is from Nurp! except for my flite. kicks!

: O U T F I T :

Sneakers by flite.