Ellie Tested, Ellie Approved!

Limited Time ONLY!! Go Get the Advent Dollhouse Add-On Before Its Gone Forever - We Will Miss You Sherbert - Thank You for My Favorite Dollhouse

We Will Miss You Sherbert - Thank You for My Favorite Dollhouse

For a limited time, you can still visit Sherbert inworld and get the Advent add-on seen in the pictures below.  I wanted to share this awesome little item made by Sherbert with you all because for those of you that have the dollhouse you can still get the ad-on. So I crashed Cece's place and played with my dollhouse before tiring myself out jumping on the bed... lol - I'm not sure who's bed or room this is tho lol :P

Want to know where I got my cute outfit from? CLICK Here! 

The Add on is boxed in the picture below to point out the new latest advent add-on. 

As some may be aware, due to RL's the creator will be taking a break from making new items.  There are sales at the mainstore and here is your taxi! As of today 2/26/2016 - the store is still inworld, but I'm not sure how long it will be open so be sure to visit the store and see what other cool items she has made. I will share more of the stuff I've gotten before and I'm sure she will have stuff on MP and said she would try and make some stuff from time to time but not consistently!