Ellie Tested, Ellie Approved!

Swagga Like Mines: Showcasing Nurp! Clothing

No One On Da Corner Has Swagga Like Mines!

Seriously tho' look at my new threads! I feel so fashionablez haha.  I ever so proudly present one of my newest favorite lines Nurp!  I'm telling you the kids are taking over the fashion grid!  I'm honored to be able to share this with you all!  Check out my outfit details and find out how to get your own!

Ellie's Wearing: 
Nurp! Clothing: Top, Pants, & Designer Scarf - All Sold Separately on MP!
Sneakers: FLite.-Clearports Grey
Here's your link to the Nurp! Clothing Marketplace 
So even if you're not online you can still get your Nurp! shop on!
Oh and if you want to grab my kicks here's the Taxi to flite.