Ellie Tested, Ellie Approved!

Me Haffi Werk Werk Werk! Showcasing: Tiny Gems & Foreign @ Monsieur Chic Event!

Me Haffi Werk Werk Werk! 
Showcasing: Foreign @ Monsieur Chic Event! 

When you werk hard, it pays off and I proudly present one of my utmost favorite Toddleedoo lines ever!  THIS is SO MY STYLE and it's hard for an Ellie, trying to find threads that actually shows my taste in style off and isn't all girly and frilly or pink!

So... without further ado...

So you can truly appreciate the QUALITY of these outfits.. I did absolutely NO Photoshop to the above image AT ALL!  Just used PicMonkey to add a border and frame it! They have so many options to chose this style in... so I will be sharing those with you all individually! 

The entire outfit and backpack is from Foreign except for the sneakers!
You can find this outfit and more at the [Foreign] Booth @ Monsieur Chic

Also make sure you check out Foreign's other high quality items by visiting their new store!  Seriously, you can thank me later! :P

As for the poses, you can get them from another of my favorite shops Ting Gems! 
Poses: {tg.} - Little Miss Set comes with 5 poses (includes mirrored poses too)

Note: I'm rocking my fave sneaker line too: Flite! This is not included in the outfit, but you can get the latest flite kicks and accessories inworld at the flite. mainstore!

Edited pic: for kicks N giggles


Now that all the serious business is taken care of see my reaction when I found out I was accepted as a Foreign Blogger! Yes, I had to record myself and look at the cute crown I'm wearing, since I was feeling my gal Rih's new song!  I was so sad when Cooley shut down but so happy Foreign is still going hard!  So me haffi werk werk werk and twerk! lol

"Werk Werk Werk Werk Werk!"